Anatomy Interview Questions
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The hippocampal formation is connected to the mammillary body and septal area via what structure?

1 2545

The hippocampus has input from what two areas?

1 2598

The hippocampus has output to what two areas?

1 2491

The infraorbital nerve is a branch off what larger nerve?

1 2476

The Nucleus Ambiguus has fibers from what 3 CNs?

1 2452

The Nucleus Solitarius has fibers from what 3 CNs?

1 2584

Traction or tear of the superior trunk of the brachial plexus causes what syndrome?

1 3685

Vertigo, ataxia, visual deficits, and coma are caused by stroke of the?

1 2798

Visual fibers from the lateral geniculate body terminate on the upper and lower banks of what fissure?

1 2524

What 1 nerve root is associated with the achilles reflex?

1 5484

What 1 nerve root is associated with the biceps reflex?

1 3983

What 1 nerve root is associated with the patella reflex?

2 9058

What 1 nerve root is associated with the triceps reflex?

1 5934

What 2 areas have sensation deficit in a lesion of the median nerve?

1 2452

What 2 areas have sensation deficit in a lesion of the ulnar nerve?

1 2764

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Un-Answered Questions { Anatomy }

Which nerve root is associated with the achilles reflexes?


name the structures passing through juglar foramen.


Explain the horner's syndrome?


What is a structure consisting of 2 or 3 tissues called as?


After recuperating from a gunshot wound to the buttocks resulting from a hunting accident, your patient exhibits a positive Trendelenburg's sign. Explain.


Human anatomy and physiology


What causes contractures?


Explain the turner's syndrome?


Explain the brown-sequard syndrome?


How many systems are there in a human body? Name them.


What does serous membrane do?


What does the psychic phase do?


Which nerve root is associated with the triceps reflexes?


You've been given the task of inserting the catheter for a patient scheduled for angioplasty. What anatomical landmarks are you looking for?


What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?