Anatomy Interview Questions
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Name the 5 functions of the Limbic system?

1 2687

Name the 5 segments of the brachial plexus in order from proximal to Distal?

1 9352

Name the type of movement with slow writhing movements (esp. the fingers)?

1 8073

Name the type of movement with sudden, jerky, purposeless movements?

1 2852

Name the type of movement with sudden, wild flailing of one arm?

1 3279

Neurons from the globus pallidus have what action on the ventral anterior nucleus?

1 2516

Neurons from the striatum have what action on the globus pallidus?

1 2371

Place the following in order (from light entering the eye to reflex). Pretectal nuclei, pupillary constrictor muscle, retina, ciliary, ganglion, Edinger-Westphal nuclei, CN II, CN III?

1 2660

Stimulation from the paraventricular nucleus cause the release of what hormone?

1 2593

Stimulation from the supraoptic nucleus cause the release of what hormone?

1 2624

The Blood-Brain Barrier is formed by what 3 structures?

1 2679

The central retinal artery is a branch off what larger artery?

1 2229

The embryologic defect of having a cervical rib can compress what 2 structures?

1 2455

The fasciculus cuneatus contains fibers from the upper or lower body?

1 2511

The fasciculus gracilis contains fibers from the upper or lower body?

1 2579

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Un-Answered Questions { Anatomy }

Explain the turner's syndrome?


Which hormones are produced by kidneys?


What causes contractures?


You've been given the task of inserting the catheter for a patient scheduled for angioplasty. What anatomical landmarks are you looking for?


Explain the brown-sequard syndrome?


What does serous membrane do?


Which nerve root is associated with the achilles reflexes?


After recuperating from a gunshot wound to the buttocks resulting from a hunting accident, your patient exhibits a positive Trendelenburg's sign. Explain.


Human anatomy and physiology


What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?


name the structures passing through juglar foramen.


Which processes require injection of radio isotopes in the body?


Which nerve root is associated with the triceps reflexes?


How many systems are there in a human body? Name them.


Explain the anatomy of a human brain?