Anatomy Interview Questions
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Does the pia arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?

1 3031

Does the serous linings of body cavities arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?

1 2677

Does the spleen arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?

2 8911

Does the thymus arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?

2 7605

From what does the ligamentum teres hepatis arise?

1 3034

How does a bicornate uterus form?

1 2869

How does a cleft lip form?

1 3733

How does a cleft palate form?

1 3010

How does a horseshoe kidney form?

1 3115

How is meckel's diverticulum different than an omphalomesenteric cyst?

1 3620

How long does full development of spermatogenesis take?

2 6767

How many arteries and veins does the umbilical cord contain?

2 10697

Is a primary spermatocyte 2N or 4N?

1 5710

Is a primary spermatocyte haploid or diploid?

1 5285

Is a secondary spermatocyte haploid or diploid?

2 6031

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Un-Answered Questions { Anatomy }

You've been given the task of inserting the catheter for a patient scheduled for angioplasty. What anatomical landmarks are you looking for?


Which processes require injection of radio isotopes in the body?


What causes contractures?


Explain the turner's syndrome?


Explain the anatomy of a human brain?


Which hormones are involved in the urinary sytem of a human body?


Which nerve root is associated with the achilles reflexes?


After recuperating from a gunshot wound to the buttocks resulting from a hunting accident, your patient exhibits a positive Trendelenburg's sign. Explain.


What is a structure consisting of 2 or 3 tissues called as?


A baby is born with spina bifida. Explain what happened or didn't happen developmentally? How might this defect have been prevented?


Which nerve root is associated with the triceps reflexes?


Which nerve root is associated with the platella reflexes?


Human anatomy and physiology


What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?


Which hormones are produced by kidneys?