Java J2EE AllOther Interview Questions
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what is acl(access control list)?

Athena, HCL,

1 8306

what is jndi?

2 4087

how to delete cookie information?and when it will delete?


3 4971

what is filter ?


2 4294

Runining mutiple tomcat server in a single machine is possible Yuo wil have to duplicate configuration with different port numbers


2 6255

I have include a jsp page by using The thing is that the xyz.jsp page has its submit button.When i click on that button the whole main page get refreshed.But i want to refresh only the xyz.jsp page.How could i achive it so that i can only refresh the xyz.jsp not the main page page?

4 11333

Hi Friends, i have searched in google but not clear. can you give bank example with synchronized keyword



Am chittibabu from vadavalli, My father name is nanjan.he is working in state bank of india at vadavalli, My mother name is ramal. She is house wife. My brother name is rajaram he is working in Privete Company. I was born on 25-january-1984 at bhavanisager in Erode District. I have completed my school in government higher secondary school bhavanisager. After that I came to coimbatore for higher study.i have joined Bsc computer science in sri ramalinga sowdambigai college of science and commerce, affiliated by bharathiyar university, coimbatore. In the same college, I have continued UG degree also. but I got a job in Systech infovation as a software programmer,so I discontinued Msc Degree.I have one and half years experience from this concern. Here I have completed two products; one is Tranport management solution for balaji goods carriers at tirupur. Another one is Embroidery Management Solution for Angel Embroidery at tirupur. After that I got an another job in metis technologies as senior software engineer. I have one year experience from this I working in school management is developing version by version.

3 6045

2. Write a interface "Car" with the following methods void setName(String) String getName() void setColor(String) String getColor() void setModel(long) long getModel()

1 2620

Write a interface "CarOperations" with the following methods void turnOnEngin() void turnOffEngin() void turnOnLigths() void turnOffLights() void turnLeft() void turnRight() void accelerate() void deaccelerate() void putBreaks() void releaseBreaks()

1 2140

Hi Friends , am newbie to ajax. For example just consider one account registration - A form contains 8 text fields with submit button. In this form second texbox contains "username " . On right side of text box there is a label box . On clilck action i need to determine user is available or not. Is it possible on clicking label or should i click submit button.


Which server-side script takes the input from JavaScript, can access the database if it needs to, and processes the data.


What causes Out of Memory exception?


5 14189

what is java virtual machine

4 6640

Which of the following declaration is wrong? int i=45; float j = 45.0; double k=45.0;


5 16190

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Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE AllOther }

What is the Spring2.5 MVC Navigation flow?


What are the types of java collections? : java collections


What are the different types of features of the java collections framework? : java collections


who will give req's to u?. how they send req's to u? . what design documents contains?. when bugs raised on other developer code how to report to them?.(throgh mail or ........). how to retrive 100 recods from dao layer to presentation layer.using which collection?. what is sequence diagram.?.


What are the different types of collections views being provided by the map interface? : java collections


What is the enumerator of the java collection framework? : java collections


What is iterator in the java collections framework? : java collections


Should we create system software ( e.g operating system ) in java ?


Which interface does java.util.hashtable implement?


please mail me the interview question based on java/j2ee


What are the different types of classes implemented in the set interfaces? : java collections


What are the uses of the set interfaces in the java collections? : java collections


How is hashset maintained in memory by java ?


What are the types of the main implementing classes in the map interfaces? : java collections


Hi frnds how to lock an user when he enter wrong credentials more than 3 time using java or j2ee tech take username and password in a bean no need to connect DB and validate give me some sample application code or links its urgent for me thanks in advance