Java J2EE AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the use of log4j and how to make use of that in a application?

2 5286

What is need of DAO? Write one simple DAO example?


2 12559

Difference between Spring framework and Struts framework?


12 63694

What is the servletcontext listener and what is JspContext and page context pls tell in simple words.


1 5563

Is it Mandatory to map each pojo class variable with table column in Hibernate? Is there any alternative to skip some of those? Thanks in advance...

Span Systems,

2 5044

What is Visual Source Safe(source control Tool)?

1 3804

Q1. A. Write note on "The class path Environment Variable". B. Which are different kinds of source code? Q2. A. How to create an interface? B. Why convert an applet to an application? Q3. A. How to use Media tracker Class. B. How to use string tokenizer class. Q4. A. Explain the overview of UDP messaging. B. Difference between SQL Exception class and SQL Warning class. Q5. A. How to create com object in Java? B. Write short notes on "The properties class" Q6. A. When object is created and destroyed? B. Explain the JDB in depth & command line. C. Write short notes on Web Sites.

1 5116

What is the difference between Eclipse and MyEclipse?

IBM, Wavex,

7 38453

What is IOC in spring?


10 31816

What is difference between Application Server and Web Server?

Logica CMG, SCS,

1 4124

what is difference between struts1.2 and struts2.0

1 11309

how to deploy the web application ?


2 5194

what about web architecture?


1 3529

waht are architecture of web application?

2 3901

what is difference between web server and application server?


1 4985

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Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE AllOther }

What are the different types of features of the java collections framework? : java collections


What are maps interfaces in the java collections? : java collections


What are the types of java collections? : java collections


What is the difference between comparable and comparator in java.util pkg?


my interviewer asked me what technical specification you used how to answer that question


What are the queues in the java collection framework? : java collections


What is deque in the java collections framework? : java collections


What are the uses of the set interfaces in the java collections? : java collections


How do I find jre path in windows?


What are the types of interface used in the java collections? : java collections


What is the use of the list interface in the java collection? : java collections


Which sorting algorithm is used by collections.sort() in java ?


What are the types of the main implementing classes in the map interfaces? : java collections


What are the different types of collections views being provided by the map interface? : java collections


who will give req's to u?. how they send req's to u? . what design documents contains?. when bugs raised on other developer code how to report to them?.(throgh mail or ........). how to retrive 100 recods from dao layer to presentation layer.using which collection?. what is sequence diagram.?.