Explain can a mba graduate become a journalist?
What is the difference between eclipselink and hibernate?
What is archiving?
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What is a web application?
The ABO blood system has been employed to settle cases of disputed paternity. Suppose, as an expert in genetics, you are called to testify in a case where the mother is type A, the child is type O and the alleged father is type B. How would you respond to the following statements of the attornies: a. "Since the mother has type A, the type O of the child must have come from the father and since my client is type B, he obviously could not have fatered the child." Made by the attorney of the alleged father. b. "Further tests revealed that this man is heterozygous and therefore he must be the father." Made by the mother's attorney.
Is there any internal page notification that it receives to detect a phone call?
Do you know what is php?
Explain drawbacks of joomla.
Why java is considered as platform independent?
what is meant by the phrase 'static load' in case of shorting in a generator excitation system?
Difference between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms?
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What is url helper?
What is genericgenerator hibernate?