ISDN Interview Questions
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What item of equipment would be required to connect a modem to ISDN? A terminal adapter.



 What is the name of the reference point that is located on the user side of an NT1?

1 1722

Does the network provider supply the NT1 in North America?

1 1729

In order to be able to plug analogue devices into sockets on an NT1, what extra item of equipment would need to be included within the the NT1?

1 1704

What are these types of NT1 known as?

1 1748

How many devices can be connected to a standard BRI line?

1 1657

What are the two ISDN device addressing methods? The two types of device addressing in ISDN are known as:

1 1657

A device is configured for automatic TEI. What is its address immediately after being switched on - before it starts communicating with the network?

1 1696

In practice, what is the maximum number of devices that may be connected to a BRI which expects a fixed TEI?

1 1633

What is the significance of the TEI in B channel communication?

1 1726

What address does an ISDN PRI line always use?

1 1820

Why does there need to be a broadcast TEI?

1 1736

What channel do the call management messages use?

1 1607

What channel does the end-to-end connection use?

1 1747

What is the initial call request message called?

1 1811

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Un-Answered Questions { ISDN }

Why use ISDN?


How ISDN allows multiple devices to share a single line?


What is Soft-fax and Soft-modem?


Do you know what is the difference between internet and isdn and is both are same or is there any specific difference?


How configuration errors in the ISPBX can prevent successful connections?


What is 2B1Q?


What the B and D channels do?


How Analogue fax and modem over ISDN?


How to Establish the Link Layer?


How users are connected to a public ISDN through an ISPBX?


What happens when a call is set up?


What is ISDN's history?


What is LAP-D?


How ISDNs are connected together?


What do the layers look like?