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ITI Interview Questions
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what is a far pointer

12 35613

During sleep, the man?s blood pressure 1 Decreases 2 Increases 3 Fluctuates 4 Remains constant

9 26513

Why should one not sleep under the trees at night

35 121742

Why is starter necessary for a three-phase induction motor?

37 171567

How can get electrical "c" licence.I am complited in Deee.Passing year of 1993.Working in pvt cocern lt Line.Please advise me .Cell no 9994786021

59 219363

10th + one year ITI (Diesel Mechanic) is eligible for Assistant LOco pilot in RRB.

66 132750

how to maintain the books of accounts in the organization

1 5530

what is the process id for kernel process?

8 26240

Sir, Please send the model question for ITI(Electrician) that I am going to attend the RRB ALP written test

3 17959

What is full form of ELECTRICAL?

3 64977

what's accounts payable

5 11087

When a fourth resistor is connected in series with three resistors, the total resistance

1 6097

goverment asked question paper with answer

1 4277

How many modular bricks are required for 1 cubic meter of brick masonry?

14 40125

RCC colums of 15"X9" each, roof height 20.5'ft, total pillars 36 nons. Span between pillar to pillar is 16/20/20 length wise and 16/14 width wise. Total Slab area 8000 sft and plinth area is 1900 sft. beams are 12"X9". kindly calculate load factor per sqft.

1 4077

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How to handle exceptions that are raised in a component?


Your grandfather is 75 years old. He has total savings of Rs.80,000. He expects that he live for another 10 years and will like to spend his savings by then. He places his savings into a bank account earning 10 per cent annually. He will draw equal amount each year- the first withdrawal occurring one year from now in such a way that his account balance becomes zero at the end of 10 years. How much will be his annual withdrawal?


What is the difference between indexing and hashing?


What is lmo? State some of its importance.


What is the difference between promise and callback?


What were you doing before sfdc development?


What is xslt explain with example?


exactly how does an RTD 3 wire or 4 wire device cancel out the resistance of the wires , opposed to a 2 wire RTD? Is it because you have resistors in parallel , or because something to do with the electronic circuit the RTD is connected to ?


Is there a way for me to know all available options when I start selenium server?


Can you convert pdf to powerpoint?


What is the purpose of dll?


What is an index in a database?


Tell me who are the founders of google?


What is the difference between the paint() and repaint() methods in java programming?


How can I create a database in mysql?