A fax machine is configured to filter for analogue calls - will it accept G3 Fax calls? No, it will only accept those calls whose call type is specifically 'Generic Analogue'.
1 1682
What Bearer Capabilities are and on which channel they reside?
How ISDN allows multiple devices to share a single line?
What happens when a call is set up?
What do the layers look like?
What is Information Field Structure?
Why use ISDN?
How ISDNs are connected together?
Explain the call flow in nss and what is sri signal?
What the B and D channels do?
What item of equipment would be required to connect a modem to ISDN? A terminal adapter.
How can I get more information?
What is LAP-D?
What are BRI and PRI? What are Channels?
What are SAPIs?
What is the Frame Format ?