Unix Commands Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is tar command and what are the different types of tar commands?

5 11255

what is the shell for dos,nt operating systems?

1 4784

what is telnet?

6 10781

How to convert a hidden file to normal visible file?

8 29127

Can a process kill itself in UNIX/or in its various versions?

2 8778

what are filters?

6 8760

what is the function of grep command?

4 11224

what does the 'tee' command do?

4 11294

what does the command 'wc' do?

4 9391

How to create hardlinks and softlinks on files?

2 8953

what does the job command do?

4 8491

what is the difference between "cron" command and "at" command?

5 46305

How to remove a crontab file?

2 6855

In Unix file permissions what does the second field denotes?

3 7476

what is the significance of "su" command?

3 9118

Post New Unix Commands Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Unix Commands }

Write a command to display a file’s contents in various formats?


What is merge command in unix?


Which command can you use to find the currently running process in unix server?


Enumerate some of the most commonly used network commands in unix?


What is the command to find maximum memory taking process on the server?


How do I clear my terminal history?


What does the command '$ls | wc –l > file1' do?


What happens when we execute a unix command?


What does grep v grep do?


Describe the zip/unzip command using gzip.


Why is awk called awk?


What is command substitution?


Which command is used to create a directory?


Write a command that will display files in the current directory, in a colored, long format.


What does 'mkdir' command do in UNIX?