Unix Commands Interview Questions
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what is the command to list all files in a directory, including the hidden files in UNIX ?


9 15534

How do you find out all processes that are currently running in UNIX OS?

10 14878

In UNIX, what is the command to kill a process?

10 20494

In UNIX, what is the command to edit contents of the file?

9 11642

in UNIX ,What is the command to view contents of a large error log file?

7 13209

what is the command to get help on a UNIX terminal?

5 9053

in UNIX,How do you check for processes started by particular user suppose the user name is 'suresh'?

6 11515

in UNIX,How to copy file into directory?

5 9879

in UNIX,what is the command to remove directory with files?

10 19365

what is the command to find out which shell you are running?

14 32225

what is the command to find out the difference between files and folders?

6 12682

what are wild cards?

2 5169

what is the difference between relative path and absolute path?

7 51605

what is the difference between commmands cmp and diff?


9 48694

what is the use of uniq commmand?

8 12262

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Un-Answered Questions { Unix Commands }

What is grep command in unix with examples?


Enlist some filename manipulation commands in unix.


How do I search for text in vi?


What is awk command used for?


Write a command to display a file’s contents in various formats?


Explain ‘system calls’ with respect to unix commands?


Why is it called grep?


What do know about tee command?


What is used to type command?


Enumerate some of the most commonly used network commands in unix?


What does grep v grep do?


What does this command do,"$more readme.txt“?


What is grep and how do you use it?


What do chmod command do?


What is the use of egrep command in unix?