Hi all, How to find how many messages are passed through the particular channel is it possible to find it?
1 6455How will you configure SSL in Linux ans AIX? please give proper explanation with commands.
1 4623How you change the logprimary files,logsecondary files?where you change? explain in commands?
1 3943Maximum connections reached,how you know that and how you verify that?which type of alert you will get?
3545What is a Backout queue What is the difference between Back out queue and Dead Letter queue
1 20376
What does ibm mq mean?
What is the message client in mqseries?
Name the algorithm is followed in retrieving the messages from the queue?
Where do we find the cluster information in websphere mq?
What is process definition and what are the attributes does it contain?
Why do we do clustering?
Define initiation queues?
Which types of logs are using in your organization
Explain what is the algorithm followed in retrieving the messages from the queue?
List the types of messages in mqseries?
Which algorithm is followed in retrieving the messages from the queue?
Tell me where the error logs in appear in z/os?
Tell me what is process definition and what are the attributes does it contain?
List some reserved queue names of ibm websphere mq?
Define channel in ibm websphere mq?