----> There is a table T with two columns C1 and C2.
The data is as below:
C1 C2
1 4
2 5
3 6

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----> There is a table T with two columns C1 and C2. The data is as below: ..

Answer / a.brahmam

please i want display the result as :
1 2 3
4 5 6

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----> There is a table T with two columns C1 and C2. The data is as below: ..

Answer / nihar meher

select replace(wm_concat(c1),',',' '),replace(wm_concat(c2),',',' ') from t;

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----> There is a table T with two columns C1 and C2. The data is as below: ..

Answer / ramaraju

select c1 as c1 from t1
select c2 as c1 from t1;

try this one.

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----> There is a table T with two columns C1 and C2. The data is as below: ..

Answer / bhanuprakash d

select listagg(c1,' ') within group (order by c1) from T
select listagg(c2,' ') within group (order by c2) from T

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