C Interview Questions
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what is an ERP?


2 3605

hOW Can I add character in to pointer array of characters char *a="indian"; ie I want to add google after indian in the char *a

1 2962

Find the O/p of the following 1) #include int main() { char c='1'; int j=atoi(c); }


4 10009

wat is output of the following int main() { const int j=2; int i; switch(i) { case 1:break; case j:break; default:break; } }

2 5467

Find the O/p of the following struct node { char *name; int num; }; int main() { struct node s1={"Harry",1331}; struct node s2=s1; if(s1==s2) printf("Same"); else printf("Diff"); }

1 4586

wat is the output #define VOLEDEMORT _who_must_not_be_named int main() { printf("VOLEDEMORT"); }

2 5719

wat is the output int main() { char s1[]="Hello"; char s2[]="Hello"; if(s1==s2) printf("Same"); else printf("Diff"); }

3 7902

Write a program to print distinct words in an input along with their count in input in decreasing order of their count..

1 12774

write aprogram for There is a mobile keypad with numbers 0-9 and alphabets on it. take input of 7 keys and then form a word from the alphabets present on those keys.

iGate, Shashi, Source Bits, Subex,

1 9563

write a program to convert a expression in polish notation (postfix) to inline (normal)



There are N egg baskets and the number of eggs in each basket is a known quantity. Two players take turns to remove these eggs from the baskets. On each turn, a player must remove at least one egg, and may remove any number of eggs provided they all belong to the same basket. The player picking the last egg(s) wins the game. If you are allowed to decide who is going to start first, what mathematical function would you use to decide so that you end up on the winning side? Upload a C program to demonstrate the behaviour of the game.

2 3637

What is period operator in c?


3 14282

What is a memory leak in structures? How can we rectify that?

2 11946

sir i got 146 correct question & i have also the advantage of height so will they consider my marks as 146+3=149.can any body tell me how they consider my height marks.

1 2758

int a[3][5]={ {1,2,3,4,5],{2,3,4,5,6},{10,11,12,13,14}}; int *p=&a; printf(ā€œ%dā€,*(*(x+1)+3));


2 4375

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Where static variables are stored in memory in c?


What are examples of structures?


How do we make a global variable accessible across files? Explain the extern keyword?


What is adt in c programming?


What is getch?


Who developed c language and when?


2) Write a program that will help Air Traffic Control for an airport to view the sequence of flights ready for take-off. The airport can accommodate 10 flights waiting for take-off at any point in time. Each flight has a unique 3 digit numeric identifier.  Each time a flight takes-off, Air Traffic Control adds a flight to the waitlist. Each time a flight is added to the waitlist, the list of flights waiting to take-off must be displayed.  When a flight is cleared for take-off, Air Traffic Control removes the flight from the waitlist. Each time a flight takes-off, the list of flights waiting to take-off must be displayed.  Sequence of take-off is the sequence of addition to the waitlist


count = 0; for (i = 1;i < = 10; i++);count = count + i; Value of count after execution of the above statements will be a) 0 b) 11 c) 55 d) array


Which is best book for data structures in c?


How can I direct output to the printer?


we called a function and passed something do it we have always passed the "values" of variables to the called function. such functions calles are called a) calls by reference b) calls by value c) calls by zero d) none of the above


What are identifiers in c?


how should functions be apportioned among source files?


What is strcmp in c?


application attempts to perform an operation?