Software Interview Questions
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how will u do database testing in qtp? how will u do the same with descriptive programming?

Ordain Solutions,

1 4135

i need sample case of Login window of USER NAM, PASSWORD It is very urgnt


12 22208

I want good books or good sites for scripting.Can any one help me.



can any body plz help by sending the qtp docs and qtp ppt's? this is my mail


Hello Everyone, Please provide me the practical example of business component concept of QTP.Like how to create business component,how to connect the quality center etc.... Thanks in advance, Gaytri


Hello Everybody, Please tell me the concept of recovery management in QTP by giving any practical example of it. Thanks, Gaytri

7 9008

Hello Everybody, How to maintain the page state in QTP. My scenario is: 1. I opened a notepad file. 2. Entered some text in the notepad file. 3.And changed the font type and color of the notepad file. And saved that. 4.Now next time when I will open the notepad it is showing the changed font type and color, rather than the default values. Please provide the code. Thanks, Gaytri

5 6803

what r the contents in srs?(like test plan).2.wt r the contents in design documents? ,3.who wil deploy the new build 2 the tester?( this que asked in ibm)

IBM, Wipro,

7 11805

what is the use of structural authorizations?

1 7011

How do u identify the object that it is a standard object or not


3 5670

how we do database testing with qtp using descriptive programming?

Nutrins, Rohit Technologies, Symphony, Syntel, TCS,

22 33526

Can we call one program(not include) from another program?

Altrion Technologies,

2 11610

Can we use more than two field in SELECT-OPTION? For example Normally we get two field which is from and to fields, but i want to get more values.....

Altrion Technologies,

4 9061

does current version of mysql (myisam) supports foreign keys ?

2 5742

hai, i am doing QTP by own. So, i am confident in checkpts,synchronization, data driven test, recovery scenarioe manager etc. but actually i don't know how all these we wil implement while we r writting code manually. when we r doing practice, while recording code is automatically generated but in real time i heard that we have to write the script.But i don't know how it is? How to write descriptive prog.? plz. tel me what r the basic things we have to know? explain how to write descriptive prog.? explain me with an example pls.......


2 5856

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

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What is the difference between counting(T556c) and Counting class(t554c). similarly, cumulation and cumulation wage types?


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Can anyone have SAP-CO module ppt for begineers?


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Where are the Delphi 4 InterBase Certificate Keys and IDs located?


What is CLR and its application.?


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What are different types of SQL Scripts?


Which is the current version of html?


What is enum c++?