Hello Everybody,
Please tell me the concept of recovery management in QTP by
giving any practical example of it.
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Answer / nath .t
Hi Gayatri,
Recovery Scenario is useful for to avoid the runtime
expections. QTP allows 4 types of expections. they are
1. Popup Expections
2. An Object
3. Test Run Error
4. Application Trash
Ex:- if u want to check login page. in login page have
User name,Password, OK, Cancel objects. u want to check for
different test data.
User name: must allows min:four characters and max:8
characters(only alphabets)
Password: must allows alphanumeric min:5 characters
and max:10 characters.
u have datatable in that so many test data like
UserName Password
1. Sai xxxxx
2. rama xxxxxx
3. krishna xxxxx
in the above table 1st test data situation is failed.
here one popup window raise at run time and it shows u must
enter min 4 characters. to avoid this expection at run
time we can use Popup window expection in recovery scenario.
if u go through Tools Menu--> Recovery Scenario
without using Recovery Scenario we can write our own script
also like as
if window("Login").dialog("Expection window").exist then
window("login").dialog("Expection window").winbutton
end if
like this way we can write our own script to avoid
exception at run time.
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Nath is right.
I will give some use ful tips.
First of all we have to find where can we get pop messages
Then we will use exist and click methods along with if
If object heirarchy .exist then
we can use onerror resume next statement on top of the script.
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Answer / zayed
Suppose when u click on .exe file, sometimes Security
warning message pops-up. This message box can be handled
thru Recovery scenarion. Let me know if u r still not clear.
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Answer / nilanjan islam
when we face some unexpected error then we can use recovery
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Hi Zayed,
The concept is clear to me,but can you please tell me how
to handle it. As you have given me the example, so how you
will handle in that case.
Please tell me in steps how to handle that and if possible
please also provide the code.
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