Software Interview Questions
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What are the GAP analysis you identified in your project?


2 8111

Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date differ from planned GI date?


6 55629

What is the use of pricing date in condition type?


4 12645

what is the winrunner framework or architecture?


2 6847

what is the automation framework?

1 4019

What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition record?


1 7816

which testcases do u automate?

1 3936

what are the risk factors in the project? what is the base for testplan and entry criteria ,exit criteria for test plan?

1 4987

what are the risk factors in the project? what is the base for testplan and entry criteria ,exit criteria for test plan?


which testcases do u automate?

4 6469

How do u retrieve data from a text file into different variables. i.e. in a text file named "source" , the data is like : india,1000,japan,200,china,50,singapore,45050 this is given in the first line of the text file. in the second line of the text file the dta is: sun,moon,planet,river,earth,water if u use "readline" method by using FSO concept u can retrieve the entire line in to a variable. but i want to import each field (ex: "india" in one variable, "1000" in another variable etc..). Apprecitae proper replies.

Semantic Space,

5 9881

wat is a field symbol?

1 6378

how does data gets transported/transfered between a screen & ABAP praogram in a dialog?

1 4572

list the important field symbol?

1 3905

wat is a workflow schema?

2 3932

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What do chkdsk results mean?


What are different types of tables?


Explain what is the use of sap material view and list out other parameters where sap material view is applicable?


What is the main purpose of find index in angularjs?


As a project manager, you know that the most important activity to ensure customer and stakeholder satisfaction is which of the following: A. Documenting the requirements B. Documenting the performance measurements C. Reporting changes and updating the project plan and other project documents where appropriate D. Reporting project status timely and regularly


What is field Set?


What is semmsl (max-sem-nsems in solaris 10+)?


What is spark vs scala?


Which methods cannot be overridden in java?


Hi can anyone help with projects using load runner. I learnt loadrunner but don't have a hands on experience on it.. it will be very much helpful if some can help me up with a project. can email me:


What does memory leak show in delphi?


What is mongodb sharding?


Which bindings are used for metadata configuration in wcf?


How is the vendor return processed without a purchase order reference?


what is SStable consist of?