Software Interview Questions
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what is the use of select for all entries in an internal table?

2 6143

when you are using 2 internal table in program, you have decided to use for all entries statement to retrieve data but unfortunately there are no records in the first internal table. What will be the result? (2nd internal table contains records).

4 10501

what is a binary search ? and how it is useful in a sorted internal table?

2 14849

when do you need to create an internal table with header line ?and with out a header line?

2 10152

what does it mean occurs 0 while creating an internal table?

2 21450

what will happen if you don't give occurs clause while creating an internal table?

4 11901

how many indexes can be created for a table?


7 13275

Give few names of cluster tables in sap? Give few names of pooled tables in sap? give few names of transparent tables?

1 11696

can you create a table with out a data element? can you create a field with out a data element?

2 6770

how to create a button in selection screen? how to add a gui status in a selection screen?


2 13490

what are ALV reports? how they are different from normal reports? what are the main events that are used in an ALV report? what is the use of SLIS type pool in alv reports?

6 39832

difference betn top-of-page and top-of-page during at- line-selection? in an interactive report, after going to 5th list, can you come back to 2nd list? how?

TCS, Wipro,

6 21680

What is performance tuning?

4 6642

What are steps you follow to improve the performance of a report ?

2 6226

what is the role of secondary index in performance?

IBM, Siemens,

1 15794

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What is payroll area and uses of payroll area?


How can I tell what programs are running in the background on my computer?


How you can create a custom watermark?


Define to which organizational element is central in shipping?


How will you add a fact formular to a cell using apache poi?