Software Interview Questions
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What Do you Mean By Object Serialization in java.

Accenture, Cognizant,

2 12076

I recently faced an interview question i.e A customer has 2 materials one is third party mat(TAS),Second one is normal mat(TAN)..These both items entered in one sales order and his requirement is he wanted in single invoice with out splitting? How can we do this?

7 10562

list me out the shortcutkeys for some functionlities in the qtp for example to record ,to run ... etc


2 13902

what ar the challenges do we face while testing webbased applications using the automation tool qtp or any?


4 11516

In the function module for reading text from the S.O header what needs to be specified?


1 5764

You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do to reduce the execution time.

2 7230

After running a BDC program in background, next day morning when you see the results, few records are not updated(error records). What will you do then?


2 10544

You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide?


2 8864

What is the difference between report and script?

5 13921

what are the differences between scripts & smart forms?

4 6596

what is the difference between user-exit & BADIs?

2 9923

what is the difference between user-exit & customer-exit?

Cap Gemini, IBM, ITC Infotech, LGB, NTT Data, Sony, TCS, Tech Mahindra,

4 60408

Difference between client dependent and client independent tables?

3 12242

What's an effective way of using an internal table record?

2 5142

What are the types of internal tables?

3 6036

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What in contained in the GUI map?


Explain body content relevance


What is model form in django?


What is difference between session and cookies in php?


Write a code to change the color of the background or text?


What is iis service called?


How do I find a value in excel?


What are the advanced technologies in java?


What is the use of -l when listing a directory?


Is drupal easy to use?


Why is my vlookup returning na when value exists?


Why is angular better?


What is the purpose of a route guard?


Explain weblogic server?


Why should I use angular 7?