Software Interview Questions
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suppose if you press a link in yahooshopping site in leads to some other company website?how to test if any problem in linking from one site to another site?


3 7422

what is difference between testing and development in your view?


4 18110

How you test database and explain the procedure?


3 8905

what is meant by host files web application testing?



How to create a Primary foriegn key because there is no PFK in account for Opprtunity ,it is 1:M relationship

HP, IBM, Symphony,

3 7125

Hirarchical pick is there in one applet, parent is "country" in this field "IND, USA" r there and child field "City" in this Hyd,Delhi, Bang for india and Newyork, washington for usa .Now if i select ind then Hyd... shown in child field then i select suppose hyd, now come parent field if i select usa & tabout the field still i see "Hyd" in child field unless i select the one of the city related to usa even though i check the immidiate postchange property in field level then how to i see it is Blank or related values

3 6320

How to create a Primary foriegn key because there is no PFK in account for Opprtunity ,it is 1:M relationship

2 7279

What r the remotable objects. and how u make an application remotable

1 2752

How Web Services help Us? What r the difference between Remoting and webservices

Protech, TCS, Tech Mahindra,

5 11860

What is the difference between Hash Table and Arrays?


12 38397

testing is a procedure or methodology,diff between methodoly and procedure?

Cap Gemini,

2 8697

do u know abt configuration management tool,what is the purpose of maintaining all the documents in configuration manage ment tool?

Cap Gemini, Sapient,

1 11290

do u know abt integration testing,how do u intregate diff modules?

Cap Gemini,

9 14895

write test 5 negative test cases for pen?

IBM, Xento,

30 106861

testing is a process or methodology,diff between methodology and process?

BirlaSoft, Cap Gemini,

6 15141

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How do I make an average formula in excel?


Is it necessary to define an explicit primary key in custom objects? : salesforce Data Management


How to implement datagrid How would you make a combo-box appear in one column of a datagrid? What are the ways to show data grid inside a data grid for a master details type of tables? If we write any code for datagrid methods. What is the access specifier used for that methods in the code behind file and why?


What are server objects?


What are the main advantages of automation testing?


What is converged network?


How to add multiple and conditions in laravel query?


what are the acid properties in dbms?


How do you add the custom message to the property when it fails the validation?


Query processing is slow(eg select query)how will u solve that


Explain the share point architecture?


Whether we need to add jQuery file in both Master and Content page?


What does ultra wideband mean?


What is disavow tool?


how to make test case for anolog voice logger?