Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is OLAP grid? Where it is used?

eDynamic LLC,

1 9173

what is the difference between datasatge and datastage TX?

6 27863

How many different types of reports we can create in Crystal reports?

eDynamic LLC, Jump Games,

6 41254

What is subreport? In one report maximum how many subreport we can insert?

Cognizant, EDS, eDynamic LLC,

2 18533

In one subreport how many subreport we can insert?

eDynamic LLC,

3 10069

How many types of subreport are there?

eDynamic LLC,

3 15945

How can we change the Hierarchi of group? and for parameter also?

eDynamic LLC, ZoneTech,

1 6453

What is the section expert? Why we use it?

eDynamic LLC,

2 8729

Can we stop the database null values?How?

eDynamic LLC,

3 9803

How can we create diff. types of templates?

eDynamic LLC,

1 7132

How can we know the time taken for particular report execution?

eDynamic LLC,

2 8703

How we can use the database checkpoint on a java web based application in which the database connectivity is done using JDBC->Pure Java type (in this type there is no need to create a DSN). At present in QTP we can fetch database values using checkpoint only through DSN. Is there any programming for this if we don't have DSN (ODBC)



how to print a logo in script

1 4425

please send differences between events

1 3352

i want 2 join as a abap consultant what is most important

3 7063

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is a spring actuator?


What is in node js?


Explain the functionality angular.copy() method?


What is tween effect?


State the advantage of sap slt replication?


Can you purchase just outlook?


how to define source transaction-types?


What do you infer by the term dynamic fields with respect to apache solr?


How do I add a bridging header in swift?


Explain about the creation of EXE files with Visual Basic?


How do I stop word from changing formatting?


What is a ContentProvider and what is it typically used for?


Explain Class Access Modifiers in salesforce?


How to securing a computer network?


What does 4d mean in c?