Software Interview Questions
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Can you share processes between Windows services?

2 4677

Where?s Windows service database located?

2 6409

What does SCM do?

2 4181

When developing a Windows service for .NET, which namespace do you typically look in for required classes?

1 4432

How do you handle Start, Pause, Continue and Stop calls from SCM within your application?

1 3789

Describe the start-up process for a Windows service.

1 4124

If we want to write a Windows service that cannot be paused, only started and stopped. How to accomplish that?

1 3613

What application do you use to install a Windows service?

1 3871

How can you see which services are running on a Windows box?

1 3118

How do you start, pause, continue or stop a Windows service off the command line?

1 4422

How to write an MMC snap-in for my Windows service?

1 4037

By default Action1 runs first in QTP. Is it possible to start the run with Action2?


9 20192

hi testers,one script has three actions , at the of running three actions are running , how to set run only perticular action and what is the use of split the action? when it will be useful?


3 6856

pls tell me different type of automation frame works in QTP and which one need to select in client server application


7 13806

how to capture tool tip in QTP and which check point is needed


2 11393

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Explain me what is flask-wtf and what are their features?


what data is captured at the first level of data entry?


When do I need to use a semicolon vs a slash in oracle sql?


What is df -h command?


Explain the use of record option in exp command.


Explain Digital steganography using other formats?


What is the use of trigger manager?


What is the advantage of linq over sql?


What is a nullreferenceexception and how do I fix it?


Can you inherit from multiple classes in c#?


What are the counter and pcbc modes?


How to go to bottom of excel spreadsheet?


Does session expire on closing browser?


What is XmlReader class? Explain.


Why is %d used in c?