Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

how u conduct GUI testing and PERFORMANCE testing on MS- WORD? and What r the GUI Test Cases and performance Test Cases?

Accenture, Civil Service, ICICI, Jintek, Satyam, Singularity, Syntel, TCS, Wipro,

3 10610

What are cascaded style sheets?

1 4077

what is cascading order?

1 4182

Give the syntax of css?

1 4317

What is grouping in CSS?

1 4635

How to add CSS styles Styles to Elements with Particular Attributes?

1 5099

What are External Style Sheets?

1 3871

Explain Internal Style Sheets?

1 4064

Explain Inline Style Sheet?

1 5508

How to present data from Crystal Reports on to form?

3 14316

How to Filter the Crystal reports?

CCIL, Mammut Building Systems,

12 55430

When we can declare a column as Unique and Not Null both at the same time. What is the use pf Primary Key then?

Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,

2 16460

Give which cursor is better for better performance means type of cursors?

2 6834

what is the difference between granting and creating a view?

2 5302

How to return multiple records from procedure?

2 8143

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are the basic features of a trigger in ms sql server?


Why mysql is more popular than postgresql?


I just typed in this program, and it is acting strangely. Can you see anything wrong with it?


What is ng app in angular?


What are the rules for identifiers in c?


How do I get access to the j2ee session from my remoteobjects?


Explain me how do you send enter/tab keys in webdriver?


How to write test case for this scenario. The Contact Information screen shall be displayed to the user during Case Update


what is the use of ocr?


Difference between pre-select and pre-query


What is the use of sap solution manager and application lifecycle management?


What is a keyframe in css?


What is the size of int in 64-bit jvm?


Differentiate between data file and descriptor file?


Is flexbox part of css3?