Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How do you make a NET component talk to a COM component?

1 4841

What is CCW (COM Callable Wrapper) ?

1 5518

How does you handle this COM components developed in other programming languages in .NET?

1 4668

How will you register com+ services?

3 7440

What is use of ContextUtil class?

2 9183

What is the new three features of COM+ services, which are not there in COM (MTS) ?

3 7405

Is the COM architecture same as .Net architecture? What is the difference between them ?

3 6335

What is Soak Testing ?


11 44788

In how many ways you perform batchtesting ?

Lehman Brothers,


What is the difference between action & script ?

Lehman Brothers,


. Batch testing in how many ways u perform in QTP ?

Lehman Brothers,


What?s the Unix name for a Windows service equivalent?

1 2976

What?s different about a Windows service as compared to a regular application?

1 3268

How is development of a Windows service different from a Windows Forms application?

1 4038

How do you give a Windows service specific permissions?

1 3384

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How do you prevent a class from being inherited?


How can you write a multiple line comment swift?


How to make a picture of a background image of a web page?


What is activex control in vb net?


How can I repair my windows 10?


What language is magento?


Why pointers are not used in java?


If JOBA is in MSGW due to data decimal error and DUMP is generated and I found that Decimal field formatted with some special char which is coming from Input file amd file has millions of records. How I can find out on which record the error is occur. Please share your experience.....


How to access css (cascading style sheets) file in jsf (javaserver faces) application?


Is the nyquist theorem true for optical fibre or only for copper wire ? Explain.


What does a hybrid bayesian network contain?


Explain why there is need of production version?


How can you make the finally clause not to fail to execute?


Explain the process in which flat files are converted into vsam files?


What is the difference between super() and super(props)?