Software Interview Questions
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How to get the 3rd column(i.e all the data along with the column name)in a table?

Logica CMG,

2 7322

What do you mean by client server architecture and is it always two tire architecture?

5 9630

Write VB script to convert from feet to inches(hint 1feet=12 inches)

2 8963

In SAP ECC 6.0 , under DB02 tcode , Tablespace name to be explain stepy step all the col


Can we add our own component in Xcelcius ,I am having a Indian client and I want to either create or import component (map) is it possible?? Currently I have imported Map image and working through icons is there any other way out??Please help.

1 3853

Can I create a master report in webi having 15 dimensions and 150 kpi's with 100GB of data and store it in cache ,So that I can use Cache for building new reports with less dimensions and Kpi's without hitting database againg just using cache??Please suggest...


How to restrict the duplicate records in table valuesets


2 6342

1 which file contains information about os wether it's 32 bit or 64 bit os 2 difference between logical block and physical block?? 3 what is the size of logical block and physical block?? 4 daemon for nfs on client end as well as server end??? 5 how to confirm from client end about nfs server sharing?? 6 what contains information about file and directory creating time or modification time??


4 8366

can i repair quarantined objects detected by quick heal 2009

1 4894

1. Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way. can somebody give a real time example



Our software designers use UML for modeling applications. Based on their use cases, we would like to plan a test strategy. Do you agree with this approach


1 3951

hi, this is geetha, i have one doubt regarding the vulnerability testing. For sql injection testing is there any need for the tools to be installed. If it is what is tool and what is the method to test in sql injection testing. Plz Guide me


in qtp wha t is synchronisatin pt,what is the maximam time out

3 4658

Hi This is Vijay, How can your remove the duplicates in sequential File?

HCL, Scope International,

15 27562

Hi I have scenario like this s/r table T/r table ename,sal empno,ename,sal vijay,2000 1 , vijay, 2000 kumar,3000 2 ,kumar , 3000 ravi ,4000 3 ,ravi , 4000 How can i get target table like that without using Transformer stage?

Semantic Space,

8 11685

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

what is IDE,DMV in sql server?


How do I open visual studio code?


What are the slow selectors in jquery? : jquery mobile


Who invented the first spark plug?


What are the animation types supported by silverlight?


Is it true that the ajax application are much better than the classical internet applications?


What is Convolution in the frequency domain?


How to create the user group in sap system?


What is cache lookup and islookup. what is it used for?


what is the form name for use functional spec? what are the steps in functional specs?


Does anyone still use rss?


How do I get the css selector of an element?


What does de-partition mean in abinitio?


What is af_inet in socket?


What are the apex data types?