Software Interview Questions
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Hi SQL gurus, i am working for an MNC... My team is having a problem in sql server. when user slects date prompts from jan 1st to april 30, it should display all months data like : jan aa feb bb mar cc but when it comes to april its taking data like : jan aa feb bb mar cc apr dd...and so on means its taking data again from jan to april which we dont want. we want the data only april month as we are getting jan, feb and mar... can any one write the code to relsove the issue please would be greatful if you can send to and also please send your email also that we will be in touch for any kind of queries ... Thanks a lot in Advance !!!

1 3328

How to hack someone's yahoo or gmail account? what can be the test cases for the same.

Zycus Infotech,


how to tackle technical questions

1 3027

If root file system 100% full what you have to do?

Tech Mahindra,

5 16793

How can I make a differentiation between dependent and independent data?

1 3523

How did you test the form u developed? how did you taken print?

2 5257

What is App Pool and App Domain? What is the difference between the two.


5 38131

Hi Gus, Can u pls tell me How can u Call the Shell Scripting/Unix Commands in Job Sequence?


3 11795

How can I convert single byte kana characters into multi byte kana characters and vice-versa.


Hi This is Vijay How Can u Read the data from sequential file Parall'y?

Semantic Space,

5 12504

How to FTP user access other directory except his own home directory ?


2 7354

How to host multiple website using IIS 6.0

Cable Wireless,

2 4501

Tel me step By Step while accessing the webmail and outlook for all the user's it is asking the user name and password frequently ?



How do we take the backup of the mailbox for the single user.


1 5426

IIS server Senario :One company hosted the website in that Active Directory server(No PDC etc..) is down and DNS server is down. weather user was able to access the website if yes how?

Cable Wireless,

1 3542

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What does the three dot emoji mean?


What's the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?


Contact a system development program in your organization. Research how they analyzed their SYSTEM OF INTEREST (SOI), its OPERATING ENVIRONMENT, and their respective system elements. How was this analysis reflected in the SOI architecture?


You have a large spreadsheet located in the /data directory that five different people need to be able to change. How can you enable each user to edit the spreadsheet from their individual home directories?


What is control z do?


What does i ++ mean in Java?


Can hashmap have same key?


What is an Account Team?


What is use of python sdk in openstack?


difference between transfer rules and update rules


What is thread in swift?


What are the types of search helps? : sap abap data dictionary


What is autopostback in asp net?


What are dml statements in oracle?


Discuss the following terms with respect to ATM: VPI, UNI, asynchronous, AAL, Cell, PVC.