what is the diff b/n c and c++ a. dynamic scoping b. nested switching c. declaration of variables in any code block d. separation of compilation and linking
2 5625f(char *p) { p=(char *)malloc(sizeof(6)); strcpy(p,"HELLO"); } main() { char *p="BYE"; f(p) printf("%s",p); } what is the output?
9 18082x:validating :Are we producing product right y:verification:Are we producing right right a)X is wrong statement b)y is " c)x and Y " d)x & y is right statement
1 5856client server is working in asyn mode then how communication will take place bt client and server.
1752If A sends a message to B with encryption then key is a)A public key b)B public key c)A private key d)B private key
2 4439In a class only declaration of the function is there but defintion is not there then what is that function?
5 7962If "AaBbCc" is passed to the char char x(*a) { a[0]?x(a+1):1; printf("%c",a[0]); return 1; } what will be the output?
6 8525f(*p) { p=(char *)malloc(6); p="hello"; return; } main() { char *p="bye"; f(p); printf("%s",p); } what is the o/p?
7 9177which of the following is efficient in terms of space a. insertion sort b. quick sort c. selection d. both a and c
1 3045Post New Hughes Interview Questions
Can xml be converted to excel?
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If we issue a new sale invoice after issuing a Credit Note to the coustomer, for the previously issued sale invoice on which Central Sales Tax @2% was Paid previously,whether we will be liable to pay for charging the sales tax on new invoice and pay to the sales tax department.
How to change a value of the field ‘salary’ as 7500 for an employee_name ‘john’ in a table employee_details?
What is the percentage of carbon present in pig iron?
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Differentiate between GROUP and COGROUP operators?
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What things you should not do on while flying?