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Hughes Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions
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given a height balanced tree. If we add one more node , how many nodes gets unbalanced ?

2 6849

Given a arbitrary pointer to an element in a singly linked list?what is the time complexity for its deletion .

1 4272

To sorting array of 10 elements which sorting is best a)selection b)bubble c)tree sort

2 7075

converting 41.685 to binary

1 4633

if heap sort contains n elements, no of comparsions required are

2 5087

if there are n nodes in a binary tree, how many null pointers are there?

4 21670

which of the following is efficient in terms of space a. insertion sort b. quick sort c. selection d. both a and c

1 3045

Post New Hughes Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Write a sample code to write the contents to text file in c#?


Do you want to change your career path in the future?


Explain how you can clone a Git repository via Jenkins?


I have a report it taking so much time how can I rectify


Why we do manual clearing?


How do you use altindxs in batch, cics programs?


What is tabular form?


What is slim framework?


How do I call a method defined in a base class from a derived class that overrides it?


How do you check if an object is an array or not?


Tell about a problem that you solved in a unique or unusual way.


How do you split a word document?


Why cannot we use leds for rectification purpose?


I have two different source structure tables, but I want to load into single target table? How do I go about it? Explain in detail through mapping flow.


What is the difference between thread and a service in Android?