RAM chips arranged in 4X6 array and of 8kX4bit capacity each. How many address lines reqd. to access each byte a. 12 b. 16 c.15 d. 17
5 10835Given a arbitrary pointer to an element in a singly linked list?what is the time complexity for its deletion .
1 4272what is the diff b/n c and c++ a. dynamic scoping b. nested switching c. declaration of variables in any code block d. separation of compilation and linking
2 5625x:validating :Are we producing product right y:verification:Are we producing right right a)X is wrong statement b)y is " c)x and Y " d)x & y is right statement
1 5856client server is working in asyn mode then how communication will take place bt client and server.
1752If A sends a message to B with encryption then key is a)A public key b)B public key c)A private key d)B private key
2 4439In a class only declaration of the function is there but defintion is not there then what is that function?
5 7962If "AaBbCc" is passed to the char char x(*a) { a[0]?x(a+1):1; printf("%c",a[0]); return 1; } what will be the output?
6 8525f(*p) { p=(char *)malloc(6); p="hello"; return; } main() { char *p="bye"; f(p); printf("%s",p); } what is the o/p?
7 9177Post New Hughes Interview Questions
How does a battary stores charge in it? please explain in simple manner and in detail.thanks
Managed servers are running. What happens if admin server down?
Tell me what type of files we can process thru file-aid?
How do I jump to a specific sheet in excel?
Can we use custom code in ssrs?
Why ide is recommended for use while programming with php?
How many types of work processes?
What is live session user in ubuntu?
What is a flex container?
What are the problems faced by the developer using object oriented programming language?
How to set up local repository manually?
Tell me what is orm (object-relationship-model) in rails?
What is the difference between the geoid and the surface of the earth?
What is spring model?