Next to UP which is the state sending maximum number of MP?s to Lok Sabha? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Bihar (d) Andhra Pradesh
2 5615The Constitution of India was passed on (a) 26th January, 1950 (b) 26th January, 1949 (c) 26th January, 1951 (d) 26th November, 1949
5 12183If some service provider gives a bill having service tax. say cost of service is Rs 100, He is adding 12.36% sevice tax. Total comes 112.36. we have to deduct TDS @ 11.33%. On what amount we should deduct TDS? (on 100 or 112.36 )
16 186621)What is Suggested type of cement for concreting at water, for mass concreting and where the chaces of gettin attucked by salt? 2)How many types of camber? 3)why we always preffer short column in case of residential building? 4) Is there any advantages between the use of One way slab & two way slab? 5)What shoul be the % of steel for R. C. C. perpose based on volume & area ?
7 129911) write Short notes about Shellow & Deep well? 2) What is the full form of SPT & SMB? write short notes. 3) write short notes about efficiency of Riveted joint.
2373how do we calculate quantity of cement , sand and aggregates in 1 m3 of M30 grade concrete ?
31 432847how to find the percentage for minimum reinforcements as per IS:456 for beam , column, slabs.??
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Draft one mock email requesting your non-technical management grant you downtime to (provide justification where applicable) complete the following tasks: (1) Generate statistics on a large table; (2) Generate an RDA – if you don't know what an RDA is please say so. (3) Rename datafiles.