what are all the different normalizations? : Sql dba
Describe the core elements of WPF architecture?
What are the different types of functions in excel?
Tell me what is affix plugin?
What is node written in?
You want to implement the one-to-many relationship while designing tables. How would you do it?
What is a Command Object in C#?
What is the next step after Mapper or MapTask?
what is automatic payment in sap fico
Can you explain the concept of generative adversarial networks (GANs) and their implications for AI?
What are different techniques for making hash function?
How ViewstateMac works?
Can any one send me the sample test papers of IOCL entry exam to be held on 6th july 2008. Also plz send the interview questions that cud probably be asked........i wud be highly obliged if u can send a few test paers and other stuff @ inderjeetd@gmail.com.........Inderpreet
What are the different types of APIs available in Node.js?
Explain service contracts?