Why java is called robust and secure?
You want to migrate database from one database to another. How would you do that?
Write a trigger on account, while inserting a text value as ‘somename’ ended with ‘text’ ex: ‘renutext’ on account object it should through an error. How you will achieve this…??
What do you mean by tpt in teradata?
What is application server role?
Compare to java what are the major advantages or benefits of scala?
Explain the Differences between Hive and Spark SQL?
How data is processed and what are the fundamentals of this approach?
Can treemap key null?
what is autodiscover service?
Can IOT take over the human mind?
i want to know about the javaBean.what is its purpose and how it can use in Forms.
What experience do you have in training?
What is the server of asp.net?
What challenges do organizations face in implementing fairness in AI models?