What is benefit of namespace (package) in magento?
What does jdbc setmaxrows method do?
What is the difference between set screen and call screen?
How do I install linux?
What is the use of @controller in spring?
How to override a dsn that is contained in a proc called by another proc? I need to do the override in the calling jcl?
How i can decide that HVDC line is best for transmission.
what is singleton in java?
Is mailbird really free?
Is abstract thinking intelligence?
How to remove duplicate rows from table except one?
Which data dictionary views have the information on the triggers that are available in the database?
what is the package for freshers in valuelabs.
it seems that most recommendations for using fill flash talk about using -1.3 to -1.7 stops of flash compensation. This seems like very little flash (compared to the ambient exposure). Would not -.5 or -1 stop be better? : Adobe flash
hi can somebody please post questions that are commonly asked in bba enterance exam in interwiew sessions...also it would be of great help if someone could mail me the previous years papers of the enterance exam of bba of cbs...