one question dr mean debit cr mean credit but cr full form credit but dr full form debit that mean debit not word dr what the answer
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What are the most useful functions in excel?
Why is it so hard to find literature on the wear resistance of titanium?
write a c++ program to create class student having datamember name,Roll_no,age,and branch intilcization all the member using constructor print the all the details on the screen.
How do I use autosum in excel?
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The company i approached asked me that they are registered Manufacturer to market fire extinguishers. They have both VAT & CST registration. When they supply material out of state i.e. under "C" form, to a Dealer who is also registered with CST and who can issue "C" form but for product paint. Will the "C" form issued by the Dealer be acceptable to us. What law governs, since the dealer is not registered to trade in Fire Extinguishers? In the first instance will he be able to issue "C" form at all i.e. Will the government allow him to issue "C" Form, if so under what norms? In the case that my company is the Dealer and registered for trading in Paint and we are taking Fire Extinguisher Dealership will I get set-off in "C" form for purchase and Sale. Kindly let me know on
what are Blue-Chip companies?
How do robots deal with human judgment?
What do you understand with an activity in android?
How do you do a goal seek analysis?
Explain the differences between a sender and receiver adapter in an integration scenario.
What is the meaning of “dirty read” in the database?
What is proxy in spring aop?
Suppose I want fail that check point? How can you do that?