Q.1. You set up scheduled tasks to run & notify you of any failures. 3 days later you see that none of the tasks ran & you received no notifications. What to do?
2 5758Post New CMS Microsoft Certifications Interview Questions
What is the file extension of xsjs library? : hana xsjs
can we call a task command by specifying action mapping in struts?
Can a constructor be private and how are this() and super() method used with constructor?
Is 4gb of ram enough for windows 7?
What are the new features of angular 2?
What are the types of shell in linux?
Which template engine is used by laravel?
Explain about Show-Page method?
What does it mean to subscribe to a blog?
What are the encryption functions in php?
How to increase the maximum execution time of a script in php?
What is user documentation?
Explain difference between winrunner and test director?
What is credit guarantee funds for ssis and its features?
What is Database Management System?