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CDAC Interview Questions
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merge sort time complexity

6 20513

How to use c/c++ code in JAVA

10 19677

What is an idle thread?

2 29062

What is multiple inheritance ?

17 24412

hi friends how r u as soon in satyam my interview is start but i m very confusued ta wat i do plz help me frndz wat can i do plz tell me some question and answers related with "C" which r asked in the interview .


what is the main differnce between const,readonly and static

3 8453

#define MAX(x,y) (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) main() { int i = 10, j = 5, k = 0; k = MAX(i++, ++j); printf("%d %d %d", i,j,k); } what will the values of i , j and k? }

14 45032

what is iptabe on redhat linux?

3 7680

what is the difference between. system call and library function?

2 19414

Can we use xslt to covert html into vxml?

3 9370

Which company made 'Office Hindi' softwear?

2 6553

Test cases on Feed back form page ???

1 12135

void main() { static int i = 5; if(--i) { main(); printf("%d ",i); } } what would be output of the above program and justify your answer? }

5 29549

/*what is the output for the code*/ void main() { int r; r=printf("naveen"); r=printf(); printf("%d",r); getch(); }

1 3470

what are the main differences between ms access and sqlserver

1 4316

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Which is best book for data structures in c?


What is difference between hosting and server?


What is the function of merge in ms excel?


Am a Sap Fi trainee learning the process, i came across a topic Foreign currency valuation. my doubt is whether foreign currency valuation and foreign currency revaluation is one and the same?


What is Linux Shell? What is Shell Script?


What is progressdialog in android?


Explain why does marble rarely contain fossils?


What is blackberry enterprise server?


What is a number range object?


What is the difference between store and dumps commands?


Define negative frequency?


Name three data source available in SparkSQL


Explain about behavioral diagrams?


How is the parity flag actually set in the 8085 microprocessor?


What is viewstate parameter?