hi friends how r u as soon in satyam my interview is start but i m very confusued ta wat i do plz help me frndz wat can i do plz tell me some question and answers related with "C" which r asked in the interview .
2136#define MAX(x,y) (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) main() { int i = 10, j = 5, k = 0; k = MAX(i++, ++j); printf("%d %d %d", i,j,k); } what will the values of i , j and k? }
14 45032void main() { static int i = 5; if(--i) { main(); printf("%d ",i); } } what would be output of the above program and justify your answer? }
5 29549/*what is the output for the code*/ void main() { int r; r=printf("naveen"); r=printf(); printf("%d",r); getch(); }
1 3470Post New CDAC C Interview Questions
What is @profile annotation in spring?
Is drupal the best cms?
Is file format in data services type of a data store?
What are the Differences between map and hashmap?
What is short-end fiscal year?
what are the ways in which a constructors can be called?
How many ways we can retrieve the date in result set of mysql using php?
What is Garbage Collection in Java
What is jsf framework?
What is 'throws advice' in spring?
what is the content of the configuration manager repository?
What are the befefits of nosql over relational database?
What are cookies?
which metal is use in shunt
describe the functioning off all the 40 pins of 8085 processor?