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Tata Steel Limited Interview Questions
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I want a RRB model question for Diploma mechanical Engg.

6 17014

You have a computer with 80 GB hard disk and Ubuntu 8.04 is installed on entire hard disk. Now you have to create a seprate partition for Windows OS and Install Win Xp as Dual boot. write down the steps involed along with the commands.

8 12662

diff between grounding & earthing

8 12505

what is the working principle of ceiling fan and table fan?

10 45183

Diploma Mechanical Engineer i had attened more over 100 interviews they are all asking the same question "TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF"

3 59861

any one can explain the stages of a knee point which is taken during ct magnetising curve.


What is vane diagram in centrifugal pump?


how is the wastage component in structural steel being considered while doing the reconcillation for the fabrication with returning of scrap under 1 meter length

4 18781

how to prepare for IT Officers Interview in Banks


Basically iam Instruemntation Engineer, but Iam interested in Instruments design engineering, so plz guide, is there any course, training or Softwres to become Instrument design engineer??.


What is the diffrence between General Exp. & Misc. Exp?

5 17686

What should be the 28 days cube strength for M-25 grade concrete?How it is connected with acceptance criteria of fck+3 as per IS 456-2000 and why?

4 20044


1 3779

which relay is used on long transmission lines

10 29837

why we use star and delta connection?why we donot give the supply directly?

12 55340

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hi i am electronics & telecomm engg & appling 4 the AAI jr executive (electronics/ATC) written test. pls forward me the syllabus & old question papers.I will be very much thankful to you. pis inform to


Do we require any special application to access web service?


when I apply fill pattern to a chart, it looks okay on the worksheet. However, the pattern disappears when I print the worksheet. Whats wrong?


What is the difference between big data and cloud computing?


What is roll area?


What are iot and its uses?


what course did you consider thinking before you enrolled in college?


There are n numbers of flatfile of exactly same format are placed in a folder.Can we load these flatfile's data one by one to a single relational table by a single session??


Explain dataadapter.update method in .net?


How to rebuild all indexes on a single table?


What is hybrid automation?


What are the different types of support being given to the customers?


Why is dimensional reduction performed before fitting a support vector machine (svm)?


What is array filter php?


Explain backbone network?