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Tata Power Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 53164

Difference between ups

32 93766

Why the shape of OP-AMP is triangular not other shape?

17 31698

1)Why electric shock is feel ?? n in a Electric Train why we didnt feel that ? 2)What is the reason for transformer Noise ?? 3)What is relation b/w Transmission Lines & Communication Lines ? 4)Which material is used for making Transformer oil & How u measure its dielectric strength & Name the test ?

14 24820

what are the reasons of low voltage during start the DG?

1 4942

how we use the positioner feed back in split range control valves?

1 9903

what is pt100 RTD, and does 100 stands for

8 40659

Thermocouples work as follow:

1 3046

What is the effect of pump installation in series and parallel connection.

2 9044

Why attemperation is required in HRSG in a combined cycle power plant?

10 23294

why in india the voltage generate multiply by 11,,,like 220v,440v,11kv,33kv,66kv,220kv,

3 11699

why there is no grow of grass under the high voltage transmission line?

3 8958

what is significance of canister vent in condensate extraction pump & difference between vacuume balancinf line & canister vent

3 21725

In a thermal power plant ID Fans running with full load but boiler load is only 80 % give reason ?

9 18045

what is size of 3phase 4wire cable to be used for 11 ton ductable A.C and how to calculate cable size for different load


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Whether qtp 9.0 supports Test director8.0


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