To Write a C program to remove the repeated characters in the entered expression or in entered characters(i.e) removing duplicates.
19 126232int array[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; #define SIZE (sizeof(array)/sizeof(int)) main() { if(-1<=SIZE) printf("1"); else printf("2"); }
2 26987struct tag{ auto int x; static int y; };main() { struct tag s; s.x=4; s.y=5; printf(“%d”,s.x); }
2 12568main() { struct test { char c; int i; char m; } t1; printf("%d %d\n", sizeof(t1), sizeof(t1.c)); }
1 9003main() { unsigned int k = 987 , i = 0; char trans[10]; do { trans[i++] =(char) (k%16 > 9 ? k%16 - 10 + 'a' : '\0' ); } while(k /= 16); printf("%s\n", trans); }
4 12734main() { FILE *fs; char c[10]; fs = fopen(“source.txt”, ”r”); /* source.txt exists and contains “Vector Institute” */ fseek(fs,0,SEEK_END); fseek(fs,-3L,SEEK_CUR); fgets(c,5,fs); puts(c); }
1 9461main() { char as[] = "\\0\0"; int i = 0; do{ switch( as[i++]) {case '\\' : printf("A"); break; case 0 : printf("B"); break; default : printf("C"); break; }} while(i<3); }
4 10014#define MAX 3 main() { printf("MAX = %d \n",MAX ); #undef MAX #ifdef MAX printf("Vector Institute”); #endif
4 27965main() { int a[3][4] ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} ; int i, j , k=99 ; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<4;j++) if(a[i][j] < k) k = a[i][j]; printf("%d", k); }
4 23639main() { enum _tag{ left=10, right, front=100, back}; printf("%d, %d, %d, %d", left, right, front, back); }
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