int array[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
#define SIZE (sizeof(array)/sizeof(int))
if(-1<=SIZE) printf("1");
else printf("2");
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program prints "2"
Here sizeof returns unsigned int value
so sizeof(array)/sizeof(int)
=> 32(unsigned int)/4(unsigned int)
=> 8 (unsigned int value)
During comparison, the datatypes are different on both sides of if condition
-1(signed int) <= 8(unsigned int)
so by rule of type conversion in c,
signed int gets converted to unsigned int
hence expression becomes
0xFFFFFFFF(unsigned int equivalent of -1) <= 8(unsigned int)
Hence overall condition becomes FALSE
Is This Answer Correct ? | 72 Yes | 6 No |
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main() { struct s1 { char *str; struct s1 *ptr; }; static struct s1 arr[] = { {"Hyderabad",arr+1}, {"Bangalore",arr+2}, {"Delhi",arr} }; struct s1 *p[3]; int i; < BR> for(i=0;i<=2;i++) p[i] = arr[i].ptr; printf("%s ",(*p)->str); printf("%s ",(++*p)->str); printf("%s ",((*p)++)->str); }
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Look at the Code: #include<string.h> void main() { char s1[]="abcd"; char s2[10]; char s3[]="efgh"; int i; clrscr(); i=strcmp(strcat(s3,ctrcpy(s2,s1))strcat(s3,"abcd")); printf("%d",i); } What will be the output? A)No output B) A Non Integer C)0 D) Garbage