Questions :- HR- Q.1 about yourself & family background ? Q.2 Why u choose Power sector as ur carrier starting not any other sector ?? Q. 3 What think abt NTPC ? Techincal Questions:- Q.1 about Vocational Training……What u did , see the main equipments….etc Q.2 Why a transformer Noise during its running condition ? Q.3 about transformer oil material & Test name for the measurement of its dielectric strength & wht will u do if its dielectric strength goes low ? ……..some discussion type ? Q.4 What is relation between transmission lines & Communication lines ? Q.5 Which Machine u will prefer to use at a place where flammable gases are coming out & why ? Q.6 how fault in an electric system is detected & hw protection of equipments is done ? Q.7 Why we didn’t feel electric shock in an electric train ?? Q.8 Anything u want to ask from us ??
44 42148In india the power supply is always in multiple of 11, eg.220 V, 440 V... what is the reason?
11 22832we want to feed 3 phase supply to 70 ton AC load.what will be the size of (3 phase)cable require.
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