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BSES Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 65258

Questions :- HR- Q.1 about yourself & family background ? Q.2 Why u choose Power sector as ur carrier starting not any other sector ?? Q. 3 What think abt NTPC ? Techincal Questions:- Q.1 about Vocational Training……What u did , see the main equipments….etc Q.2 Why a transformer Noise during its running condition ? Q.3 about transformer oil material & Test name for the measurement of its dielectric strength & wht will u do if its dielectric strength goes low ? ……..some discussion type ? Q.4 What is relation between transmission lines & Communication lines ? Q.5 Which Machine u will prefer to use at a place where flammable gases are coming out & why ? Q.6 how fault in an electric system is detected & hw protection of equipments is done ? Q.7 Why we didn’t feel electric shock in an electric train ?? Q.8 Anything u want to ask from us ??

44 42641

What_is_mean_by_negative_dc_voltage? why we use -48v except +48v in DC power supply systems.

2 6409

In india the power supply is always in multiple of 11, eg.220 V, 440 V... what is the reason?

11 23057

why two over current realy used in vcb.

2 5968

why generator is design for lagging P.F(power factor)?

3 6711



we want to feed 3 phase supply to 70 ton AC load.what will be the size of (3 phase)cable require.

2 5541

Post New BSES Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

BSES Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

In order to ensure constant pressure and constant flow rate of compressed air what should we put between the compressure and end user?


What is the name of the occupational health and safety act in NSW


what is raid? : Sql server database administration


Roads concatenation Problem Consider we have some GIS (Geo Information System) operating over some road network. Each road represented as array of two-dimensional geographical points. Road network is a set of roads. System has function called Concatenate(). This function takes raw road network and should return optimized road network. Optimization lies in concatenating roads with matching start or end points, i.e. if road AB end point matches road BC start point, then optimized network should contain concatenated road AC. Optimized network shouldn’t contain two roads which can be concatenated. Your task is to suggest set of test cases for Concatenate() function in order to make sure it works correctly. public interface IPoint { double Lat { get; } double Lon { get; } } public Road : List { } public RoadNetwork : List { } public RoadNetwork Concatenate(RoadNetwork roads);


What are the 6 mandatory procedures for iso 9001?


Explain v8 engine?


Can you explain about the distinction of Book-Keeping and Accounting


Why use ball valves on Gas pipelines instead of gate & or globe valves...means basic diffrence or use of these designers knows this type of valve with rating is required...


How to start postgresql server in windows 10?


Net app interview questions ============================ . Storage Fundamentals: - what is Raid? What are different kind of Raids? - Difference between all of Raids , Advantage of one raid over other - What are FCP & ISCSI, Difference between them. - FC Topologies, Iscsi commands - How to mount a Lun on Windows/Linux - NFS and CIFS - Difference between SAN, NAS and DAS - Different Backup methodologies, Snapshot, mirror, Disaster Recovery, High Availability, Cluster concepts 2. Network Fundamentals: - TCP/IP and ISO/OSI layers - What is DHCP, DNS, SNMP, Router, Hub, Switch, HTTPS , HTTP, telnet , ssh, rsh - Different SNMP versions (V1, V2, V3) - SNMP traps - Ipv4 and Ipv6 addressing 3. Database: - SQL queries, Joins (may ask you to write queries with complex joins) - Aggregate functions - Schemas, Tables, views (create, delete, alter, drop etc) 4. Testing - Bug tracking process, Types of Bugs - Difference between priority and Severity of Bug - Your best bug , what will you do when your bug is not fixed/rejected etc. - What is Functionality/Sanity/Stress/Upgrade & revert/Performance/negative/Release test/regression tests. How you have done these in your past projects. - Black box testing, grey box testing - May ask to write test cases on a given scenario - What is test plan and test summary/strategy document. Different sections in these documents. - SDLC, Test Lifecycle and approach to test a product (Given a product what different kind of testing you will do) 5. Perl ( in addition, you may be asked to write scripts on below areas) - Regular expressions - File/Directory Handling - Scalars, Arrays and Hashes - Packages and Modules - Use and require statements - Go through Net::Telnet, Net::SNMP, Net::SSH modules in perl


How to run a particular scenario from a feature file?


how to calculate the lightning arrester conductor @ no of earth pits required


What is a master page and what does it do?


how can we find the discharge pressure of the pump with the use of flow and NPSH?


In razor syntax, what is the escape sequence character for @ symbol?