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BSES Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 64961

Questions :- HR- Q.1 about yourself & family background ? Q.2 Why u choose Power sector as ur carrier starting not any other sector ?? Q. 3 What think abt NTPC ? Techincal Questions:- Q.1 about Vocational Training……What u did , see the main equipments….etc Q.2 Why a transformer Noise during its running condition ? Q.3 about transformer oil material & Test name for the measurement of its dielectric strength & wht will u do if its dielectric strength goes low ? ……..some discussion type ? Q.4 What is relation between transmission lines & Communication lines ? Q.5 Which Machine u will prefer to use at a place where flammable gases are coming out & why ? Q.6 how fault in an electric system is detected & hw protection of equipments is done ? Q.7 Why we didn’t feel electric shock in an electric train ?? Q.8 Anything u want to ask from us ??

44 42148

What_is_mean_by_negative_dc_voltage? why we use -48v except +48v in DC power supply systems.

2 6314

In india the power supply is always in multiple of 11, eg.220 V, 440 V... what is the reason?

11 22832

why two over current realy used in vcb.

2 5914

why generator is design for lagging P.F(power factor)?

3 6617



we want to feed 3 phase supply to 70 ton AC load.what will be the size of (3 phase)cable require.

2 5495

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BSES Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

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