what will be the quantity of following materials in P.C.C for the total area of (100'x70'x 0'4") 1)NO. OF CEMENT BAGS 2)SAND IN CU.FT 3)METTLE IN CU.FT
2315Post New Pratibha Industries Interview Questions
How are the stats updated in postgresql?
Which command is used to review boot messages?
How many types of index are there?
How do you flush privileges?
How will you design or modify schema in hbase programmatically?
What is the difference between unenforced and enforced licence keys?
Explain two-phase locking protocol.
How to calculate the approximate size of the SGA based on the size of the block,shared_pool,redo_buffer_cache and db_buffer_cache?
What are the two types of comments?
What is the default replication factor?
How do I find iis settings?
What is the use of spark driver, where it gets executed on the cluster?
What are the different components of rails ?
What are the examples of techno fossils?
what are the suggestions to control NPA in rural areas?