What is the ideal Bacteria Value for Sewage treatment plant operations with great efficiency.And what is the COD , BOD and Bacteria Measuring units and standard values in India.
1 3211Post New CBRE Interview Questions
How long does it take for chkdsk to complete?
What is a helper in codeigniter?
What is ms excel and why it is used?
Should I use single or double quotes in python?
. Explain the legal provisions regarding safety of workers.
What ethical challenges might arise when providing care to pediatric patients, and how do you balance the best interests of the child with parental decision-making?
Why do we need hdfs?
What is the function and importance of the registry?
What are the rules to determine the “truth” of any value which is not already of the boolean type?
What is the conductivity of perfect dielectric?
What is bsd in linux?
How do I stop blue screen?
What is the importance of NonActionAttribute?
What is iterative deepening depth-first search algorithm?
What is sla and how do you know whether it is working or nor?