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HGS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

i want to know about call center interviews question

14 36146

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 71204

What are the advanatages of RMI ?

1 4726

Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

1 11940

why you want to come into call centre feild?

5 23706

why do you want to join call center

40 104594

Who was the Governor-General when the Revolt of 1857 took place? 1 Lord Hardinge 2 Lord Dalhousie 3 Lord Canning 4 Lord Elgin

5 31917

Tell me about your most memorable moment.

43 247873

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 803785

just a minute round on water, coffee, energy, newspaper,Dreams,television,window, hair, smile, pocket money,

1 75213

What kind of salary you are expecting from our organization? How can we tell amount of salary in the case of different companies.?

13 34807

Tell me something about your hometown.

37 429888

Speak on a memorable moment in your life for 5 mnts?

49 496971

Tell me the story of the last movie u saw?

23 272771

What is your daily routine?

84 602015

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Un-Answered Questions

Difference between inline functions and macros?


Define business workflow using abap classes?


What is php in simple words?


What is the use of rasp file?


What is a trigger in the db2 database?


What are few values provided with sovereignty?


How do I run chkdsk at startup?


Tell us what will you do, for the company website you are working for, decides to move all the contents to new domain?


win 3.1 is a


Is django worth learning?


What is a domain template?


What is misl?


What causes a hydraulic cylinder to skip?


Which command can you use to find the currently running process in unix server?


please guide me who to prepare for bel interview...