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How many types of Transformation are there?


How to rollback a JDBC transaction?


What is the best way to declare and access a global variable in angular 2?


Assignment A software house got a project to automate sales/purchase department of a furniture store. The store management is clearly transferred their requirements to the software house management. There is no chance of changing the requirements afterwards. Software house management use waterfall process model to make the project. Given is the progress flow of water-fall process model In waterfall process model, the deliverable (document) produced in one phase serves as an input to the next phase. Suppose you are a project manager who is leading this project. It is decided to work and complete the project using waterfall process model approach. You are required to develop a plan in which the key task is to decide the deliverable that should be built during and after completion of each phase. Also give a description or required contents that must be included in those deliverables. You are not supposed to make the complete project. All you are required to do is to make a Project plan. In that, you need to give a set of deliverables (documents) which according to you, should be developed in each of the phase (Requirements, Designing, implementation, Testing, Maintenance). Also provide contents which should be there in each deliverable. The contents should be clear and have brief explanation. Note:: There are one folder and one file in the attached folder. The file is named as Assignment 4 write-up which is your assignment write-up. The other folder named Project deliverables is the folder in which you are required to organize and place your deliverables. Name of the document/deliverable saved in each folder should be mentioned in the file named checklist (This file is placed in the “Project deliverables” folder) For Example If you produce a deliverable named Requirement Specification (RS) in the “Requirements” phase. You need to do following tasks 1) Finalize the RS contents 2) Save the file in sub-folder named Requirements 3) Write the name of this document in the checklist file under the heading Requirements. Similarly, you need to make and save deliverables of each phase. Not all phases contain one deliverable. There must be some phases having more than one deliverables. PLEASE SIR PRIVIDE ME THE CHECK LIST FOR GIVE SENERION ? CHECKLIST ARE: 1-Requirements 2- Designing 3- Implementation 4- Testing 5- Maintenance


You are the newly appointed project manager for a pharmaceutical company. Your company has asked you to head up a project to research a new children's medication. You've identified the lab equipment you'll need, the software needed to perform analysis and measurements, and the skill level and types of the technicians and researchers for this project. Which of the following is true? A. The project manager and resources have been identified as part of the outputs of the Initiation process, and this information can be found in the project charter. B. The resources and project manager have been identified as an input to the project Initiation phase. Further information is needed to produce the project charter, which will include the resources and project manager. C. The project manager and resources have been identified as part of the project selection process. The selection committee requires resource information to make a final decision. D. The resources and project manager have been identified as part of the project selection process. The selection committee requires resource information to make a final decision.


Please explain gradient descent?


How do you call list view from a activity?


What is iron ferite? Where is it used?


What are the important processes for project integration management?


What is percentage approved.


Why do we need spring jdbctemplate?


What is a system 32 error?


What does amazon elastic beanstalk provide?


What is Rack awareness?


How to create local server in postgresql?