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Bhel Interview Questions
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what is stper motor


i need bhel technical question paper for apprendship training bangalore

1 3990

For small size, high frequency coils, the most common core material is- a. )Air b. )Ferrite c.) Powdered ion d.) Steel

11 20833

. If we have a parallel plate capacitor of plate area 'A' and plate separatoin t and having a capacity C and a metallic plate r of area A and of negligible thickness is introduced in the capacitor at a distance from either of the two plates as shown in the given figure then the capacity of the capacitor will become a.) b.) C c.) 2C d.) 4C

3 7230

You have a computer with 80 GB hard disk and Ubuntu 8.04 is installed on entire hard disk. Now you have to create a seprate partition for Windows OS and Install Win Xp as Dual boot. write down the steps involed along with the commands.

8 13429

how much % of steel use in footing, slab, column

18 154265

please tell me the all the spcications of the 100MW 11KV HYDEL POWER PLANT SPECICATIONS

2 7379

How to test Power Transfomer vector group?

1 2463

in ic engine c.c mens?

10 10469

send me the bhel apprentice training written test model question papers

4 16664

sir,i m mech. engg final year student, please send me technical test question with answer for gail,bhel,sail& also useful for other psu exam. thank you....


What is the RMS Value. Please discribe in detail

14 17220

How magnetic balance test of single phase transformer is done,Especially in ESP transformer rectifier set.

2 5190

please anybody help me to find out the BHEL trainee Exam previous year questions papers . if u ve pls. send it to


can any one give me sample question paper of BHEL at as i m appearing for the same exam.


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Bhel Interview Questions

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Can I replace ssd with hdd?


What is the difference between classes and ids in html and css?


What is a parameter in tableau? And how it works?


Do you know what is http middleware?


how can tell us the AC indoor or outdoor which Tr and formulls


What is a what if scenario?


How do you disable or enable a form element?


Distinguish value andPrice


What are the disadvantages of kotlin?


What is a trail end keyword and how that helps in seo?


Meaning of the following a. IOP- Manimum; b. IOP- Maximu,;


Is json serialized?


Which of the following classes will have more memory allocated?


Explain what are sparse columns?


Why did you decide to pursue your career at Accessorize?