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Wipro Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 512254

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 31836

What is Win32?

14 37045

Say about your strengths and weaknesses ?

59 267386

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 119768

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 99926

Marx was belongs to which country

19 22788

What is the difference between SQL, DDL, and DML?

7 71929

what is a template?

2 8269

what is an algorithm in terms of STL?

1 8006

What is the difference between public, private, protected inheritance?

12 59920

What is Virtual Inheritance?

7 15826

What is the difference between operator new and the new operator?

3 12137

What happens if an exception is throws from an, object's constructor and object's destructor?

4 16386

What is the difference between Pointer and a Reference? When you would use them?

4 12747

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Wipro Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are the difference between abstract class and interface in oops?


Who is the developer of ios?


Describe one advantage of mesh topology?


To generate pdf reports mention what java api is required?


What is queue() in jquery?


What color background is best for powerpoint?


Difference between Insert, Update and Modify?


What is object class?


what is tripstop report?


What is the header file for setw?


We have 90mX100m hangar with 16 no.of supporting pillar. It is required to provide power supply on all pillars. what is suggested earthing scheme for hangars.


Is port 8000 a tcp or udp?


why swityard is necessrry requirement in any bis power distributin systems?


A ray hit a smooth regular surface at an angle of 20 from the normal. Calculate : 1. The angle btw the incident and reflection ray. 2. The angle of deviation.


How much do c++ programmers make?