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Wipro Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 511993

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 31791

What is Win32?

14 37001

Say about your strengths and weaknesses ?

59 267277

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 119677

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 99866

Marx was belongs to which country

19 22728

What is the difference between SQL, DDL, and DML?

7 71890

what is a template?

2 8252

what is an algorithm in terms of STL?

1 8001

What is the difference between public, private, protected inheritance?

12 59877

What is Virtual Inheritance?

7 15803

What is the difference between operator new and the new operator?

3 12118

What happens if an exception is throws from an, object's constructor and object's destructor?

4 16364

What is the difference between Pointer and a Reference? When you would use them?

4 12734

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Wipro Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the reason behind Transformation being a lazy operation in Apache Spark RDD? How is it useful?


Why are you interested in working at BSNL?


Describe the programming model of a windows service


How to Make relay co ordination chart for a Electrical power distribution of a plant


What is the significance of using –compress-codec parameter?


Explain in detail hybrid and community cloud. When hybrid and community cloud is required?


What is mysql procedure?


Protactinium-231 decays to Uranium-235. How is this decay used in radiometric dating and the determination of geological ages?


Does kali linux need antivirus?


How to make a tooltip appear while hovering over a disabled element?


Can I use mcafee and windows defender?


how to determine motor size for a fan application?


If I want to execute Sftp commands(LS & GET) stored in Physical file from CL program automatically...Can u Plz tell me how can I do this?...How the script will look?? THANX FOR NY HELP...


What is 0xc0000005 error?


Which of the following Master data is relevant for PM ? ( Bill of Material ,Customer Master , Functional Location ,Vendor Master ??)