What are the main key components in web applications and client and server applications?
How you will provide access to Gmail account to your SharePoint online site?
Ideally what should be the block size in hadoop?
Hi, I was asked following question during a interview. Please answer it: Password field is there,we can accepts every character except underscore and semicolon. It can accept min 6 characters and maximum 12 characters. Prepare boundary value and equivalence class test cases.
Explain what happens to plan after it has been converted into production order?
What s a toxoid?
I am a beginner in Sap pm.Can anyone suggest me some good website to know more abt sap pm module. If anyone has any material abt it, plz mail to my mail:-urskartik.a@gmail.com
What is the Government's contribution to IT in India?
What is the use of outside micrometer?
What is AWS Redshift is used for ?
Is it possible to calculate standard cost estimate for a past date?
Why powerpoint is called powerpoint?
Write a program to implement a round robin scheduler and calculate the average waiting time.Arrival time, burst time, time quantum, and no. of processes should be the inputs.
How does a cyclone separator work?
Explain applets?